

So many of us long to connect.

Let's take the time to risk being vulnerable and letting someone in.

If you are inspired, tell them.

If you are frustrated, share why. For the purpose to gain understanding as to why the situation played out that way, OR so both parties can learn more about each other so it does not happen again.

It’s scary being vulnerable but I guarantee regardless of how it is received... It's worth it!

I experience that is scarier & more exhausting thinking about it rather than actually stepping out and sharing what you need to say. Yes, there is the possibility your desired outcome may not happen. You put in all that effort to share and both parties may not reach an understanding. OR, you will move forward together.

The bonus on the other side of risking & being vulnerable is you learn either way.

To me that makes every opportunity to speak your truth worth it every time. Just make sure you are operating out of love towards yourself and others. That motivation results in amazing lessons that propel us all forward.