This story begins after a big break up that seemed to end my world. I was unsure if I would ever get over him.
(Do we all feel this way after we have broken up with our first love??). While I was adjusting to my new life without him I met a great group of girls who welcomed me into their circle and I quickly felt like I had always known them. They were amazing at being a listening ear and encouraged me to focus on what’s to come to help me move forward.
From this point on I have been hesitant to really share my story. I am ready now. I would describe my life after that break-up having the most impact for me. Many pivotal moments really changed my life steering me in a direction I never thought could really happen. I took a lot of personal risks and made a lot of choices where I felt unsure if I was walking towards the right ones. I often felt like I was walking forwards with my eyes clinched closed, crossing my fingers, hoping the outcomes would be the best. Why I continued to step one foot after the other trusting my decisions was only because of my gut feeling. It felt right and I needed to go for it.
I want to start giving you a bit of history for understanding. I grew up in the church. They have been Anglican, Evangelical and Pentecostal depending on where I lived was where I attended. The church played a big role in my life. Both positive and negative. The negative experiences have hurt me a lot. I had a lot of issues to deal with so I could move past, move on to end up in a healthy place. (More on that later)
With my girlfriends support, I had a great community around me. I was creating a new norm. I had a great job doing what I loved. I seemed pretty fulfilled other than desperately wanting to be married. It was almost like I was more concerned about having a ring on my finger than actually caring about who put it on there. The men I chose sure exposed my insecurities and lack of self-worth.
While I carried on with my day to day (you’ll learn I love routine) working in the salon a women sat down in my chair because she booked a haircut. She was kind, initiated conversation asking me questions. That was rare. Usually my clients who came for a service either came to relax or chat about themselves. And let’s be honest. A lot of gossip happened. I’m not proud that the chatter became comfortable for me. Anyway, her questions to get to know me erupted emotions that made me realize things I didn’t know I desired. Without sharing our long conversation we quickly became friends and she had a suggestion for me that quite frankly shocked me. She proceeded to tell me that a group of people in her church were scheduled to leave in a month for a mission’s trip to Costa Rica. I asked her to explain to me what that was. The churches I had attended in the past had Missionaries visit to share about the lives they are impacting and came to raise money. I didn’t know that a trip was an option for just anyone. I thought it was a career choice. Until her hair appointment I didn’t realize how much of a change from my routine I craved to recharge and regroup. I said yes, not knowing what I said yes too, but it felt right.
The details were quickly squared away, I got the time off and a couple weeks later I was on a plane with a really fun group of people eager to take this intimate trip with a stranger. I say it is intimate because if you have never travelled to another country to help people who are in need, you quickly learn that the trip as a whole, teaches the Western people more on those trips due to the vulnerability it exposes in us. We travel with the intent to impact the nation’s people we are visiting and in turn are deeply impacted ourselves. With all the trips I have taken since then, they have been a gift because they developed so much growth that is irreplaceable. The lessons in this trip need to be standalone stories because of their detail. I will end with this: the risk to take this trip with strangers who luckily ended up being incredible people brought out an adventurous side in me that the small town could not give me. For that I am forever grateful I took the risk! I look forward to sharing with you more how this played out for me and the lessons I learned through my travels.