How I Homeschool My Kids


I started blindly. I didn’t even know what questions to ask for help. I began along side other new moms who had experience teaching, but they were not any help for me. They were incredible to lead me to resources, but the way my brain is wired I wanted to know the reasons why they were choosing the route they did so I could assess & adjust if it would work for us. In my insecurity I wasted a lot of time flopping like a fish out of water jumping from suggestion to suggestion. Once I realized my comparison to other families was a waste of time I decided to look at what my kids and myself needed to accomplish a successful school day. It took me a few years to recognize I am not a home schooling mamma who thrives from planning our day and awaits the next morning to begin school each day. Four years in I found curriculum that sends Teacher Guides for every subject that breaks down the daily assignments for each grade. It was a miracle for me to have found this and not create my own curriculum each year. This route helps me to provide my kids with an education to set them up to be a bad ass at whatever career they choose.


I don’t run a tight ship. We get up and start school after breakfast. Usually we begin school by 10 am the latest so we are done by 1 pm. (breaks and lunch are included in that time frame). Last year we completed Grade 5 and 3. It usually takes a total of three hours to accomplish a full school day without any arguments.

On a white board I have written the kids independent subjects so they know what to accomplish and check off once completed. After that is done we gather on the couch together to complete the 3 subjects that are teacher directed. This groove we found works out really well. This way I can get things done while they are working independently and check their work at the end of the day or week.
