It Aint Over

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Guess what? This series is coming to an end, but that means you are just beginning. Beginning to have healthy conversations about dating and the type of wo(man) you want to be. I knew this series wasn’t going to be a massive exposé on the nature of sexuality, but I wanted to set a foundation for the who, what, where, and now the how

HOW do we know we are on the right path of dating well and entering into relationships healthy? I’m glad you asked. This session we will answer the questions:

  • What are the signs that I’m with or marrying the right person?

  • Am I making the right decision?

When thinking about your future relationship, always remember that you are a child of God! You want someone to lead you, guide you, love you, pick you up when you’re lazy, and remind you who you are in Christ. 

It’s been my privilege to walk with you this week and I hope this is the beginning of many more of our conversations. If this has been fun for you or you have feedback, just let us know by commenting below. If you hate me and think I am annoying, send all emails to He made me and can let me know how to get better 😉 

In the name of love, 

Bianca Juarez Olthoff

kristin cooknell